April 27 Prayer

Regions/UUPGs: We praise You for the woman in Sfax who wants to read the Bible because she is convinced that the religion she grew up in is not the truth. Open the eyes of her heart to understand and give her eyes of faith to obey what she reads.

Petition from a Tunisian Believer: I am a believer but my husband and daughter are far from Christ and refuse to follow Him. I want to help my daughter who is being physically abused by her husband and is thinking of divorcing him, but my husband disagrees with me. Right now, my daughter and I are living alone. Pray that my daughter will know Christ and accept Him as her Savior.

Pray Hebrews 11 for Tunisia: “By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, bowing in worship over the head of his staff.” (Hebrews 11:21) May every believer in Tunisia have spiritual children that they can, by faith, impart the same blessing to — that there may be a multitude of multiplying disciples in the land. (Genesis 49:16)

Petition Against Spiritual Barriers: A Tunisian businessman was very wealthy. His wife feared that he would someday divorce her and so she put curses on him and went to the “witch doctors” for dark magic. However, she herself went into a sudden coma for 15 years. The man eventually remarried and had three children. However, the first wife woke up one day. When she found out that her husband had remarried, she began to put curses on him again. Pray for this woman and others who are so entranced by the evil that they cannot escape without the grace of God.

Praise the One True God: The LORD alone is Savior. You save all who turn to You in all the earth and among the nations. (Isaiah 45:22) “Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.”