April 23 Prayer

Regions/UUPGs: We pray for the man in Manouba who said he is slowly reading the Bible. During this month of Ramadan, awaken his heart to eternal realities and stir a hunger in him for You.

Petition from a Tunisian Believer: I am a young woman from Jendouba. I believed when I had a vision of Jesus Christ as King. I would like to be baptized, but I live with my family and am not allowed to leave the house. Pray that I will be able to be baptized and be able to share my faith with my family.

Pray Hebrews 11 for Tunisia: “If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had the opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.” (Hebrews 11:15-16) We cry out for You to raise up men and women from every region of Tunisia who desire a better country, a heavenly one. People who seek to store their treasure there, instead of here on earth.

Petition Against Spiritual Barriers: Not long ago, a local news program invited the most famous “witch doctor” in the country to be interviewed on the show. The interviewer asked, “What type of person comes to visit you? The rich? The poor? The witch doctor replied, “Everyone comes to visit me: the rich, the poor, the government ministers, the doctors, and the religious leaders.” Tunisians are searching for spiritual power. Pray that they will reject the evil of these practices and come humbly to God for his guidance.

Praise the One True God: The LORD alone is Revealer. In relation to the heavens, the earth, and all the nations, You speak the truth. (Psalm 119:160) “The sum of your word is truth,
and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.”